
Author Guidelines

The article must be unpublished in Brazil or in another country, the preliminary version presented in the annals of national and international scientific events not being considered a breach of unprecedented nature;

·The article submitted to the RGSA will be assessed primarily on its scientific merits;

· The article can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English;

· The article should have a maximum of six authors;

· The RGSA encourages the participation, in fast track regime, of the best articles presented at congresses in the area. It is worth noting that these articles undergo the double blind review evaluation and are submitted to the same selection criteria adopted in relation to the other texts;

· The article cannot be submitted to simultaneous evaluation in another periodical;

· The Editor may or may not accept the article submitted for publication, according to the editorial policy of the journal;

· The Editor can suggest changes to the article both in terms of the content of the article and in relation to the adequacy of the text to the drafting and presentation (APA) rules;

· Articles should be written in clear and objective language. The author should avoid colloquial language, area jargon and technical terms without proper explanation;

· It is essential that the texts be submitted to the spelling review, as articles with problems of this nature will be rejected;

· The texts must be accompanied, in a separate archive, by a letter authorizing the publication and assignment of copyright;

The RGSA adopts the recommendations of the Manual of Good Practices of Scientific Publication, approved at the Assembly of ANPAD, Curitiba, 28.05.2017. Replaces the first version, of 25.09.2010. - the author who has an article under evaluation should not submit another until he receives the final evaluation of the submission; - each year, the fraction of articles originating from a given institution (that is, with at least one author, lecturer or student, linked to it) should not exceed 15% of the total of articles published; and - should not be published, in the same year, more than one article of an author, regardless of the position of the latter in the authorship of the text. Although the RGSA publishes articles that contribute to managerial practice, it is a journal aimed at the academic community. In this way, work will not be accepted that deals only with the application of models and management tools in organizations, or even the analysis of cases that have no contribution to the advancement of theoretical knowledge or empirical results that stimulate future research in the area. Theoretical reasoning must be consistent, with up-to-date bibliographic research carried out in national and international journals important for the field of knowledge.

Standards for publication

· The file must be in Microsoft Word or RTF format, not exceed 2MB;

· Drafting and presentation of the text is required to conform to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).

· The text should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12 in simple space and justified alignment;

· In the paragraphs, the special indent of the first line is 1.25cm and there is no spacing between them;

· The layout of the page should be made on A4 paper (29.7 x 21 cm), with margins: top (3 cm), left (3 cm), bottom (2 cm) and right (2 cm);

· Articles must have a maximum of 17 pages, including tables, notes and references.

· The following structure should be followed in the article's writing: title (in English, Portuguese and Spanish), abstract (in English, Portuguese and Spanish), key words (in English, Portuguese and Spanish) and the other items introduction, theoretical reasoning, research method, research results, analysis and discussion of the results, final considerations (main conclusions, limitations of the research and recommendations for future studies) and references, will be published in the original sending language (Portuguese or Spanish or English) and in English.

· The title of the work and the sections of the article should be written in upper case and the subtitles in lower case, both in bold with corresponding Arabic numerals;

· Subtitle is not allowed immediately after a title or subtitle, at least one paragraph separating them is required;

· Tables, tables, graphs and illustrations should be included in the main document, in the sequence in which they appear in the text, and written in font 10;

· The abstract should have a maximum of 250 words and highlight the objective, the search method and the main results; as well as the corresponding abstract;

· The author(s) must highlight four to six keywords that indicate the content of the work; as well as the corresponding Keywords;

· Negritos should be used only in titles and subtitles;

· Foreign words should be written in italics, as unusual neologisms or meanings between "quotation marks";

· Notes should be avoided when used to explain or clarify briefly and not be confused with reference to the source; they should come at the end of the text, with sequential numbering in Arabic numerals;

· The article must be written correctly in grammatical terms, problems of this nature will lead to the refusal of the text by the editor;

· The article approved for publication will be submitted to the final edition and to the spelling and grammar review;

· There should be no identification of the author(s) in the body of the work. On a separate page, the full name(s) of the author(s) should be presented, accompanied by a brief curriculum describing their academic and/or professional experience, address, telephone numbers, fax and e-mail;

· In the OJS system, adopted by the RGSA, the author(s) will have the submission of the article automatically refused by the system if they do not accept the exclusivity, originality and copyright clauses;

· The OJS System notes the date of entry and the steps of the process of evaluation and editing of the article, and the author(s) can follow the status of your article, automatically by the system;

· The editor and/or any individual or institution linked to its collegiate bodies are not responsible for the opinions, ideas, concepts and positions expressed in the texts, because they are entirely the responsibility of their author(s);