Taxes Simulation for Maintance of a Drainage Network




Urban Drainage, Water Resources Management, Management of Rainwater, Public Policies


Purpose: The objective of this work was to evaluate methods of charging urban drainage fees in order to finance and guarantee the maintenance and operation of a drainage network in a residential subdivision located in the city of Rio de Janeiro.


Theoretical framework: The intense urban growth associated with the process of soil sealing in urban areas has caused, over the years, the increase in occurrence and intensity of disasters related to floods, in order to reduce the capacity of urban drainage systems to guarantee their optimal functioning.


Method/design/approach: The methodology of this study used three different methods to calculate a drainage rate, through a classification of land use and occupation and maintenance values ​​for the drainage network, as: Equivalent Residential Unit (URE), Tucci method (2002) and Cançado, Nascimento and Cabral method (2005).


Results and conclusion: The values ​​presented by the methodology entitled Equivalent Residential Unit reached the objectives and the method was selected with the determination of the impact generated by the possible collection of this fee, through data from the 2010 Census. The drainage network per lot were R$262.35 per year, with a total collection of R$24,398.49, compatible with the values ​​found for maintenance of the drainage network in the allotment in the city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ, with an average impact of 0.70% on the income of users of this service.


Research implications: The main contribution found by this study was the analysis of the economic and financial viability of the allotment users regarding the collection of a fee for maintenance and operation of the drainage system.

Originality/value: This article proposes to present a fee that can finance the maintenance of the existing drainage network, in order to mitigate the effects of flooding on the site and eliminate the financial impact of this service on public coffers.


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How to Cite

Coelho, L. E. P., Junior , A. A. O., & Fonseca, P. L. da. (2022). Taxes Simulation for Maintance of a Drainage Network. Revista De Gestão Social E Ambiental, 16(3), e03093.


